
Rabu, 04 September 2019

3 Factors That Affect Breakfast Habits

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3 Factors That Affect Breakfast Habits - Healthy friend, you know the importance of breakfast before you move? Yep, besides giving you energy for activities, it turns out that breakfast also supports the development of the brain and nutrients for the body, especially for school children, you know!

Several studies have mentioned that breakfast has several benefits such as increasing stress resistance, memory and so on. Oh yeah, apparently there are three factors, which affect your breakfast activity. Want to know anything? So, let's check it out!

1. Gender
Do you know? Based on research conducted by Sylga, a person of male sex is more likely to eat breakfast compared to women. This is because, girls tend to pay attention to food consumed, for fear of being fat. Thus, girls prefer not to have breakfast. Another reason is because I am not accustomed to breakfast, lazy, and afraid to be late for school.

2. The work of a mother
A mother's work also affects the availability of the breakfast menu in the morning. When compared with mothers who do not work or housewives, are more likely to have enough time to prepare breakfast compared to working mothers. This is due to lack of mother's time to prepare breakfast in the morning.

3. The existence of breakfast habits in the family
In the results of the study indicate that the existence of breakfast habits in the family can form children's breakfast habits. This is because a child tends to adopt the same habits as their parents.

So parents should set a good example for children so they can follow the breakfast habits that have been formed. Based on research conducted, adolescents who get less encouragement from their parents to eat healthy, tend not to do breakfast compared to children who are often encouraged by their parents.

So, what should you like, a good breakfast? Of course the recommended breakfast is high in protein, fiber and low in fat. High consumption of protein and fiber can make you full longer. Don't forget, carbohydrate consumption because this substance functions to produce energy, so that it can make the mind become more focused.

Nutritional Substances for Cancer Patients, You Need to Know!

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Nutritional Substances for Cancer Patients, You Need to Know! - Healthy Friend, someone who has cancer has an unusual lifestyle. This is due to the anxiety and worry he feels. In addition, the lifestyle and eating patterns that are not regular also affect it. Feelings of nausea, anorexia, dry mouth, etc. are some of the causes.

But, did you know? World Research Cancer Fund recommends cancer sufferers and former sufferers to maintain physical activity and nutrient intake, so that life becomes healthier. Do you want to know how? Come on, listen!

Come on, adjust the diet!
The following are the dietary settings suggested by the  American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), let's see!

  1. Arrange the composition, you can fill two-thirds of the meal with vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Another third you can fill with white meat (chicken) or fish. More vegetable and fruit composition, will inhibit free radicals that can trigger cancer, you know!
  2. Complete the color, the  more colorful your food, the more varied nutrients are obtained, such as vitamins and minerals. Although it takes a little, but it is very risky if not fulfilled.
  3. Limit consumption of red meat and processed meat,  for cancer patients it is recommended to limit consumption of red meat and processed meat, such as sausages, meatballs, burgers, ham. It is feared that the processes used during processing, such as smoking, roasting or salting can trigger the activity of other cancer cells.

Start consuming this!
The former cancer survivor proves that a healthy lifestyle can help prevent this disease. Several studies revealed that as much as 15% reduced the risk of cancer by consuming more vegetables, fruit, animal protein, wheat and others. This is better than consuming junk food,  foods with high fat content and high sugar content.

Some food ingredients that you can use to prevent this disease, namely:

  1. Garlic,  is a food that is used as a spice. This material can be used to help 'kill' and prevent the growth of cancer cells, especially around the digestive tract. The active substances contained therein are, organic sulfur substances and their derivatives, such as Alliin .
  2. Vegetables from the cruciferous family , for  example vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and turnips, which contain antioxidants. This substance can protect you from free radicals, so it can slow down its growth, and help deactivate cancer cells.
  3. Tea, The  content of catechins in tea is used to reduce and slow the growth of tumor cells. The highest antioxidant content, in green tea, is it!
  4. A variety of green vegetables, green  vegetables contain beta-carotene and lutein substances that function as a source of antioxidants. This substance, kiga serves to inhibit the growth of several types of cancer cells.

Well Healthy Friends, in essence, to support success in cancer treatment, that is, there is support from the people closest to recover and sufficient nutrients to help fight cancer cells. Come on, take care of your health by doing a healthy lifestyle and do not forget to provide support to cancer sufferers to continue to be optimistic about his recovery! Don't forget to share  this info with the people closest to you

4 Reasons Why You Should Eat Grains!

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4 Reasons Why You Should Eat Grains! - Healthy Friends, lately many have begun to care about healthy lifestyles, such as starting to routinely exercise and regulate eating habits by getting used to eating fresh food and reducing junk food consumption . Well, one food that can be an option for you to consume is whole grains.

Yep, the seeds in question  are classified in the legume family and are usually sold dry, such as peas, kidney beans, green beans, black beans, and so on. If you look deeper, by consuming this food, you will get 4 benefits for the body, you know! Want to know anything? So, let's check it out!

1. Having a low salt content
Salt or sodium is one component of micronutrients needed by the body to regulate water levels in the body. Usually the body needs 2000 mg of salt intake or 1 teaspoon per day.

If you consume more than that, it will increase the risk of hypertension. Consuming whole grains in your diet will minimize this, due to the low salt content of less than 500 mg per serving.

2. Good source of protein derived from plants
You need to consume protein nutrients every day, you know! Protein is needed to arrange the shape of the body, protection of the immune system, as a source of energy, and so on. In adults (ages 19-29), usually the required protein intake is 62 g per day for men and 56 g per day for women.

One source of protein that you can consume, comes from seeds. Yep, based on an article released by FAO ( Food and Agriculture Organization ), in 100 g lentils (a type of beans) contain 25 g of protein. You can also mix these seeds with rice to be consumed to increase protein intake.

3. A good source of iron
Iron is needed to carry oxygen to all body tissues, to form hemoglobin in red blood cells, and various enzyme reactions in the body. If you lack iron intake, your body will feel weak and you might be indicated for anemia. Every day you need iron intake of 26 mg (female) and 13 mg (male) at the age of 19-64 years.

Now, to minimize this, you can consume grains to get iron intake. According to the American Pulse Association, the iron intake you get from consuming black beans per serving, will be equivalent to 85 grams of flank steak .

4. Rich in folic acid
Folic acid intake, apparently not only needed by pregnant women (pregnant women), you know! As you know, folic acid is needed for pregnant women to avoid fetal imperfections at birth. Under normal circumstances, folic acid is also needed to improve memory, skin health and build healthy blood cells.

Daily needs are 400 micrograms (men> 19 years old), 400-600 micrograms (women> 13 years) and 600 micrograms (pregnant women). You can get folic acid intake from these grains, because according to the American Pulse Association, chickpeas contain 3x folic acid per serving when compared to kale (1 portion of kale = 67 gr kale = 19.4 micrograms)

Well, those are 4 reasons you can make a reference for consuming grains. Come on, consume a variety of food, so you can get a variety of nutrients, Healthy Friends!

Selasa, 03 September 2019

4 Benefits of Omega-3 Contains Fish!

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4 Benefits of Omega-3 Contains Fish! - Healthy Friend, you know what? One of the nutrients in fish is omega-3 fatty acids. Yep, this nutrient is known to be able to maintain and improve the work of the heart, you know! It turns out that this nutrient, not only beneficial for heart health, but also other body parts. Want to know anything? Come, see the explanation here! Let's check it out!

1. Heart health
Nutrients contained in fish , especially omega-3 fatty acids are known to be beneficial for maintaining heart function. Yep, this nutrient can increase the content of good cholesterol ( High Density Lipoprotein or HDL), suppress the occurrence of blood clots in blood vessels, and maintain the rhythm of the heartbeat, so that your heart will work more optimally.

2. Improve cognitive function of the brain
Apparently, this nutrient content can help improve memory or cognitive function of the brain, you know! This is because the increased HDL content, will help expedite blood supply to the brain and throughout the body, thus reducing the risk of developing degenerative brain function diseases such as Alzheimer's.

3. Diet for breast cancer sufferers
It turns out that omega-3 fatty acids can be used as a diet for breast cancer sufferers, you know! According to research conducted by Khadge, giving omega-3 diets to animals for 35 days can reduce the number of cancer cells that exist. This is also supported by Prof. Talmadge 's statement which states that the omega-3 content can increase endurance.

4. Helps the detoxification process
Omega-3 contained in fish, helps activate cells and control the detoxification process carried out by bile acids in the liver, intestines, and kidneys in the body. In addition, omega-3 also acts as a protector of bile acids when cholestatic (blocked bile flow) mild or severe.

Healthy Friends, those are some of the benefits of fish that you need to know. Do not forget, meet your protein intake needs when eating 2-3 servings of protein derived from animal or vegetable side dishes in accordance with the rules of the contents of my plate. In addition, vary the intake of food consumed, so you get a diverse intake of nutrients. Come on, eat fish!

Reduce Caffeine Consumption? Just try Decaf Coffee

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Reduce Caffeine Consumption? Just try Decaf Coffee - Healthy Friend, are you reducing your intake of caffeine in coffee? Yep, coffee is one type of drink that has a lot of fans, especially someone who has a lot of activity. One of the substances that gives coffee a bitter taste is caffeine.

Caffeine can increase psychomotor work , gastric acid secretion , heart rate, frequency of urination and muscle tension. Therefore, for those of you who have a low tolerance for caffeine, it is necessary to reduce coffee consumption so that it does not negatively impact your health. One way to consume decaf cofee. Want to know what are the facts? Come on, listen!

1. Decaf c offee is low in caffeine 
Decaf Coffee is one of the coffee products produced from porses to reduce caffeine levels (decaffeination). This process aims to reduce the levels of caffeine present in green coffee beans to their lowest levels.

The manufacturing process is quite long, when compared to coffee making in general. You do this by adding various solutions so that the caffeine in the coffee beans is extracted out, so that the womb is reduced. The solution used is still safe, and effective for reducing caffeine levels in coffee.

2. The taste of coffee remains awake
Who said the decafination process eliminates the taste of coffee? Basically, during this process, all the nutrients in the coffee beans disappear, which causes loss of  flavor . Researchers are still developing their research so that this process does not change the taste of coffee.

3. Reduced content of chlorogenic acid 
Chlorogenic acid is one of the substances that gives coffee a sour and sour taste. During the decaffeination process , one of which is immersion, can dissolve the contents of this substance, so the sour taste in coffee is slightly reduced. The process of  reducing the levels of these substances, does  not reduce the antioxidant content contained in it and can still be maintained.

4. Not just black coffee
For those of you who like coffee with a variety of flavors, no need to worry, because  decaf coffee is  n't only enjoyed as just black coffee. Some coffee shops also started using decaf coffee with various flavors on the menu.

So, you can still make innovative coffee concoctions, using this type of coffee. Starting from manual brew  to  espresso base. Add hot or cold water, or add syrup as a sweetener.

Now, you now know the 4 unique facts behind  decaf coffee . Healthy friends can really replace coffee with  decaf coffee. But remember, even though it is low in caffeine, the maximum limit for coffee consumption is only 3 cups per day. Come on, make it a habit to consume food or drinks as needed!

This turns out, 3 other benefits of coffee grounds!

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This turns out, 3 other benefits of coffee grounds! - Healthy Friend, are you a fan of coffee? Yep, who doesn't like this drink. His fans ranging from young people to adults. But you know what? It turns out that coffee grounds can be used for various things, you know!

Besides being used as a body scrub and mask in the beauty field, it turns out that this waste is also beneficial in the health and environmental fields. Do you want to know how the application is? Come, see the explanation here!

1. Alternative fuels
In this modern era, many studies have developed alternative fuels based on natural materials or waste. But you know what? It turns out that coffee pulp waste can be used as an alternative fuel in the form of  bricket .

Bricket is usually used to maintain a flame, so the duration of the resulting flame is longer. This method can save fuel usage, you know! For example, a steam train with wood fuel, if you add bricket from coffee grounds, the use of the wood will be less and you can reduce tree felling as a source of fuel.

2. Organic fertilizer
You know what, coffee grounds have many benefits, you know! Especially for plants by increasing the intake of substances Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K) or commonly called NPK. This substance is needed by plants because it can help fertilize the soil.

Apparently, this waste can be used as organic fertilizer, because it contains minerals, carbohydrates, and acids so that it can reduce soil pH. So, from now on don't throw it away as waste immediately! You can mix it with plants to grow more fertile and certainly safe for the environment.

3. Medicine for wounds
Coffee grounds can heal wounds? Yep, just sprinkle coffee grounds or coffee grounds on your wound. Antimicrobial properties that exist in coffee, can inhibit the growth of bacteria in the wound, so that it can inhibit infection. Research conducted by Lilian,  concluded that coffee powder can accelerate the wound healing process, you know!

Well, Healthy Friend, the waste generated from your daily activities, does not mean it can not be used to be something else, yes. From now on, do not immediately throw coffee grounds into waste, but you can use them to be useful things. Good luck!

Let's Recognize These 4 Types of Chocolate!

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Let's Recognize These 4 Types of Chocolate! - Healthy Friend, did you get a lot of chocolate last week? Yep, February is identical to the 'chocolate' month. In addition to many fans because of its sweet taste and can improve the 'mood', the content of antioxidants can also benefit the body, you know!

Reducing the risk of exposure to free radicals, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and premature aging is one of the benefits of its processed products. You know what, the kind? Want to know more, let's see the explanation here!

1.  Chocolate cover
Couverture chocolate is a type of processed product that has the highest quality, because it contains high chocolate fat ( cocoa butter)  . In addition, this type of processed product, the most sensitive at high temperatures, making it very easy to melt.

The products that you often consume, like dark chocolate , milk chocolate  and white chocolate , are also included in this type of processed products. But not all this chocolate melts quickly, because in its processing this product can use fat from palm oil which makes the product not easy to melt.

2. Compound chocolate
Compound chocolate or commonly called cooking chocolate, merupak an  kinds of products that are often used in the food industry. This is because cooking chocolate can be heated directly, without changing its natural flavor.

Besides this type of product is also very easy to freeze at room temperature. Oh yes, you can also add scents or flavors to this type. Some chocolates that come into this type are, dark cooking chocolate , milk cooking chocolate , and white cooking chocolate .

3. Cocoa powder
Who, who doesn't know this type of chocolate? Yep,  Cocoa powder is one of the processed cocoa (cocoa fruit) made from cocoa butter  which is processed and extracted from liquid chocolate ( cocoa liquor) . Cocoa powder is often used for making drinks or mixes for cookie dough.

4. Coating chocolate
Well, the last type of chocolate is coating chocolate or  baking imported chocolate . The difference between chocolate coating and other types, namely its use as a chocolate coating on food, with the composition of vegetable fat, milk, sugar, leticin, and vanilla.

In addition, chocolate coating products are divided into three types, such as  unsweetened chocolate ( tasty and low in sugar content),  bittersweet (slightly bitter taste and low sugar content), and semisweet (slightly sweet).

Yep, that's the four types of processed chocolate products that you find in many shops or supermarkets. What do you do, Healthy Friend? You already know, what type of chocolate will you use for later processing? Hopefully this information is useful! Don't forget, share your  story here!

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