
Rabu, 04 September 2019

Nutritional Substances for Cancer Patients, You Need to Know!

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Nutritional Substances for Cancer Patients, You Need to Know! - Healthy Friend, someone who has cancer has an unusual lifestyle. This is due to the anxiety and worry he feels. In addition, the lifestyle and eating patterns that are not regular also affect it. Feelings of nausea, anorexia, dry mouth, etc. are some of the causes.

But, did you know? World Research Cancer Fund recommends cancer sufferers and former sufferers to maintain physical activity and nutrient intake, so that life becomes healthier. Do you want to know how? Come on, listen!

Come on, adjust the diet!
The following are the dietary settings suggested by the  American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), let's see!

  1. Arrange the composition, you can fill two-thirds of the meal with vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Another third you can fill with white meat (chicken) or fish. More vegetable and fruit composition, will inhibit free radicals that can trigger cancer, you know!
  2. Complete the color, the  more colorful your food, the more varied nutrients are obtained, such as vitamins and minerals. Although it takes a little, but it is very risky if not fulfilled.
  3. Limit consumption of red meat and processed meat,  for cancer patients it is recommended to limit consumption of red meat and processed meat, such as sausages, meatballs, burgers, ham. It is feared that the processes used during processing, such as smoking, roasting or salting can trigger the activity of other cancer cells.

Start consuming this!
The former cancer survivor proves that a healthy lifestyle can help prevent this disease. Several studies revealed that as much as 15% reduced the risk of cancer by consuming more vegetables, fruit, animal protein, wheat and others. This is better than consuming junk food,  foods with high fat content and high sugar content.

Some food ingredients that you can use to prevent this disease, namely:

  1. Garlic,  is a food that is used as a spice. This material can be used to help 'kill' and prevent the growth of cancer cells, especially around the digestive tract. The active substances contained therein are, organic sulfur substances and their derivatives, such as Alliin .
  2. Vegetables from the cruciferous family , for  example vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and turnips, which contain antioxidants. This substance can protect you from free radicals, so it can slow down its growth, and help deactivate cancer cells.
  3. Tea, The  content of catechins in tea is used to reduce and slow the growth of tumor cells. The highest antioxidant content, in green tea, is it!
  4. A variety of green vegetables, green  vegetables contain beta-carotene and lutein substances that function as a source of antioxidants. This substance, kiga serves to inhibit the growth of several types of cancer cells.

Well Healthy Friends, in essence, to support success in cancer treatment, that is, there is support from the people closest to recover and sufficient nutrients to help fight cancer cells. Come on, take care of your health by doing a healthy lifestyle and do not forget to provide support to cancer sufferers to continue to be optimistic about his recovery! Don't forget to share  this info with the people closest to you

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